

Last Thursday I followed a three hour workshop by a make up artist, working for a new Dutch make up brand: Superlooks. I've always been a huge make up and youtube fan, so lots of new stuff I didn't learn actually, but I had lots of fun ;). I was though pleasantly suprised by their product line :)!

Me and my sister loving al the make up! :D
The second thing I though when walking in was Oh My G I WANT THAT STAND :P

First thing was: I want that mirror (you know, the ones with light bulbs around it :D)

I've used different concealers but always found my foundation (I'm using Rimmel Lasting Finish in Ivory ) was the best concealer and never quite liked the substance/structure of concealer stick/creams. But, after using their concealers in the workshop, i was convinced and bought myselft their concealer palette. It has five different teints (They have two palletes by the way, this is the one for fairer/ western skin, they also have one for darker(also asian) skin tones).

I'm not sure why there is a red tone in it? I asked the make up artist and she told me it is used for red specks (but I always thought the green concealer was for that.. but she told me that might give your skin a greyish look, so i guess it is meant to be blended with the lighter tones or something?)
The good part is that you get a concealer brush with it, and on the inside of the palette is a handy mirror, which allows you to carry the concealer with you and touch up anywhere;). The price is also a pleasent suprise: only 16,95 for the entire palette :)! At the moment their products are only available at their office in Diemen, but in a few weeks, the Superlooks webshop will open and products can be ordered online.

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