
Do It Yourself : Sunset Wedges

Last Thursday and Friday, students of ArtEZ, a fashion academy in the east of Holland, in Arnhem, showed their final collections in the 2012 graduation show. I was there, and on Friday, I wore these heels, posted below..

As I got so many compliments from designers and models backstage on my shoes, that I decided they deserve a blogpost :D. Since I did the heel myself (and it is so easy and done in ten mintues), I also figured, perhaps you guys would like to know :D.

I've been customizing shoes for quite some while for two reasons:

1. I simply get bored with my shoes after a while but don't want to throw them out, as they are too comfortable (as was the case with these wedges)
2. I can't find the shoes I'm looking for (or they are too expensive).

I painted my white adidas black, created some vintage looking minty ankleboots, black pumps with golden swallows for example :D. It is really fun to do too :)!

Actually, it is quite easy! Most important is acryllic paint. As I paint and sketch for a hobby, I have lots and lots of paint so it's no problem. You can buy it at any hobbystore and it is covering the underlying color really wel. Only one layer will do. I've used acryllic paint on wood and leather and it works great. I am not sure if it will attach itself as well onto plastic fabrics, but why don't you try? Personally I mostly wear leather shoes..

The wedges I customized were originally totally covered in the wine red colour fabric of the upper shoe. 

So, what did I use for this DIY:

- Pair of old shoes
- Acryllic paint in the colours yellow and fuchsia
- shoe-blacking

I just ripped the heel from the fabric and found an nice wooden base was under there, which I painted.
Then I took some shoe blacking and a shoe polish brush and started brushing the shoe blacking onto the nose and heel of the shoe :D. 
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